Wednesday, 29 May 2013

daily quiz update 1

Daily Quiz 22-May-2013 (General Quiz)

1. Zhang Jike, the world table tennis champion, was named after a famous soccer player. Who?
2. Which is the largest living species of lizard, and is usually found in the islands of Indonesia?
3. Name the temple appearing on the national flag of Cambodia.
4. Ernst Blofeld, a villain who appears in the James Bond series, heads an organization. Which one?
5. Which French scientist, usually associated with electrodynamics, was also known for his mathematical work on games and gambling?
1. Zico.
2. Komodo Dragon.
3. Angkor Wat.
5. Andre Ampere.

Daily Quiz 21-May-2013 (General Quiz)

1. Connect – The city of books, The Queen of El Plata and The capital of Tango.
2. What is a term used to describe together the highly advanced economies of Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong?
3. What is the Enhanced Fujita Scale used for, particularly in the United States and Canada?
4. Which kingdom is considered to have been founded by Sang Nila Utama and is a highly developed country today?
5. Connect – Barbary, Masai, Transvaal, Katanga and Asiatic.
1. They are all nicknames used to describe the city of Buenos Aires.
2. Four Asian Tigers.
3. Strength of tornadoes.
4. Singapore.
5. They are all used to describe various sub-species of lions.

Daily Quiz 20-May-2013 (Business Quiz)

1. Which multinational bank is known for it’s mobile banking application ‘Breeze’, a product launched in 2010 to very positive reviews?
2. The headquarters of professional services firm Deloitte is located in a building popularized by a television show. Name the building.
3. Name the well known chocolate biscuit, created by Ian Norris in 1958, and produced by Australian company Arnott’s.
4. Which American jewelry company would you associate with the song ‘Diamond’s are a girl’s best friend’ in the movie ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’?
5. Which magazine, published by Conde Nast, was subject to a lawsuit filed by film director Roman Polanski in 2005?
1. Standard Chartered Bank.
2. 30 Rockefeller Plaza, also known as GE Building.
3. Tim Tam.
4. Tiffany & Co.
5. Vanity Fair.

Daily Quiz 19-May-2013 (General Quiz)

1. Which American singer was once the lead vocalist of the band ‘Big Brother And The Holding Company’?
2. Which game’s origins can be traced to back to ‘The Landlord’s Game’, a game designed by American Elizabeth Magie in 1903?
3. Which famous pianist published an album comprising of music composed by the band The Doors, but converted to solo piano music?
4. The ‘Winglet’ and ‘U3-X’ are considered to be the competitors to this product invented by Dean Kamen. Which product?
5. Connect – Sonji Roi, Belinda Boyd, Veronica Porsche and Yolanda Williams.
1. Janis Joplin.
2. Monopoly.
3. George Winston.
4. Segway.
5. They have all been married to boxer Muhammad Ali.

Daily Quiz 18-May-2013 (Business Quiz)

1. What is special about the Ericsson GS 88 ‘Penelope’?
2. Connect the following – Mythos, Lav, Tuborg, Saku and Pirinsko.
3. Originally founded in 1901 by a person named King Camp, this company merged with Procter and Gamble in 2005. Name the company.
4. Name the brand, founded by singer Bono to raise awareness about AIDS in Africa, and licensed to multiple companies which includes Hallmark, Nike, Apple, Starbucks and Amex.
5. Which well known education and media company owns the Financial Times and the Penguin Group?
1. It was the first phone to be described as a ‘smart phone’ as early as 1997.
2. They are all beers manufactured by the Carlsberg Group.
3. Gillette.
4. Product Red.
5. Pearson PLC.

Daily Quiz 29-Mar-2013 (General Quiz)

1. Which infamous African President was the light heavyweight boxing champion of his country, a swimmer and a reasonably good rugby player?
2. Name the actress best known for her role as the blind flower girl in the Charlie Chaplin movie ‘City Lights’.
3. How is the French philosopher Francois-Marie Arouet better known to the world?
4. Which former Victoria’s Secret ‘Angel’ is also known for creating the television reality show America’s Next Top Model?
5. She has dated boxer Mike Tyson, is referred to as ‘honorary granddaughter’ by Nelson Mandela and has been banned for life from British Airways. Who?
1. Idi Amin.
2. Virginia Cherrill.
3. Voltaire.
4. Tyra Banks.
5. Naomi Campbell.

Daily Quiz 28-Mar-2013 (General Quiz)

1. Which famous author has a restaurant named after him in the Eiffel Tower and his first published work was ‘Five Weeks in a Balloon’?
2. He was well known as the manager of the group Spice Girls, and became famous for the ‘Idol’ franchise which led to popular shows like American Idol. Name the person.
3. Name the Canadian group who composed the theme song for the popular television series ‘The Big Bang Theory’.
4. Which fictional place means ‘Black Land’ in Sindarin and ‘Land of Shadow’ in Quenya, where Sindarin and Quenya are both fictional languages?
5. Richard Chamberlain starred as this character in a television movie based on a novel. This character became popular later due to two movies by Paul Greengrass. Name the character.
1. Jules Verne.
2. Simon Fuller.
3. Barenaked Ladies.
4. Mordor.
5. Jason Bourne.

Daily Quiz 27-Mar-2013 (Music Quiz)

1. What is credited to have been invented by Christian Buschmann in the 19th century, even though others created similar instruments during the same time?
2. Which legendary music conductor’s name finds mention in the 1972 song ‘Billy The Mountain’ by Frank Zappa?
3. Find the common link – The Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Evita and Jesus Christ Superstar.
4. Which musical, written by Warren Casey and Jim Jacob in 1971, was adapted into a film and went on to become one of the most popular Hollywood movie soundtracks ever?
5. How is Ladonna Adrian Gaines, sometimes called the ‘Queen of Disco’, better known to the world?
1. Harmonica.
2. Zubin Mehta.
3. They are all musicals by Andrew Lloyd Webber.
4. Grease.
5. Donna Summer.

Daily Quiz 26-Mar-2013 (Sports Quiz)

1. Martina Navratilova and Margaret Court share the record with another person for most consecutive singles major titles in tennis. Who?
2. Which well known stadium in England is also a venue for the American NFL’s International Series, and was the first stadium outside North America to do so?
3. Which English footballer was subject to an internet joke where he was featured participating in the fall of the Berlin Wall, the victory of Rocky Balboa as well as the freeing of Nelson Mandela?
4. Which English club won the English Premier League 98-99 season, and accomplished a treble by winning the FA Cup and European the same season?
5. Which game is played in a court, has some similarity to squash but its name shares a word with a full contact sport, and finds mention in the novel ‘Tom Brown’s School Days’?
1. Maureen Connolly.
2. Wembley Stadium.
3. John Terry.
4. Manchester United.
5. Rugby Fives.

Daily Quiz 25-Mar-2013 (Business Quiz)

1. Started by Richard Yoo in 1996, it is a major hosting provider today and also known as a great place to work. Name the company.
2. Which company was fined US $2.3 billion for pleading guilty to the illegal marketing of arthritis drug Bextra in 2009?
3. Which American construction business magnate is recently in the news because of his plans to buy the English club Coventry.
4. The movie ‘Barbarians At The Gate’ is based on a book by the same name depicting the leveraged buyout of an American tobacco and food conglomerate. Which one?
5. Find the connecting word – a record label, a golf championship, a brand of cigarette and a luxury goods company.
1. Rackspace Hosting.
2. Pfizer.
3. Preston Haskell.
4. RJR Nabisco.
5. Dunhill.

abbrivations 4

PINPostal Index Number
PSLVPolar Satellite Launch Vehicle
PWDPublic Works Department;
R&DResearch and Development
RADARRadio Detecting and Ranging
RAMRandom Access Memory
RAWResearch & Analysis Wing
RBIReserve Bank of India
RDXResearch Department Explosive (Cyclotrim-ethylin Trinitrate)
RISCReduced instruction-set computing
RNARibonucleic acid
ROMRead Only Memory
RPMRevolutions Per Minute
RTIRight to Information
SAILSteel Authority of India Limited
SARSSevere Acute Respiratory Syndrome
SCSISmall Computer Systems Interface
SEBISecurities and Exchange Board of India
SENSEXSensitivity Index (of Share Price)
SEZSpecial Economic Zone
SGPCSiromani Gurudwara Prabandak Committee
SIMSubscriber Information Module
SLVSatellite Launch Vehicle
SMSShort Message Service
SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
STDSubscriber Trunk Dialling; Sexually Transmitted Diseases
TADATerrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act
TCPTransfer Call Protocol<br> Transmission Control Protocol
TELCOTata Engineering and Locomotive Company
TFTThin-Film Transistor
TIFRTata Institute of Fundamental Research
TISCOTata Iron and Steel Company
TOEFLTest of English as a Foreign Language
UAVUnmanned Aerial Vehicle
UGCUniversity Grants Commission
ULFAUnited Liberation Front of Asom
UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi-sation
UNIUnited News of India
UNICEFUnited Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (now, 'United Nations Children's Fund')
UNUUnited Nations University
UPAUnited Progressive Alliance
UPSCUnion Public Service Commission
URLUniform Resource Locator
VATValue Added Tax
VCRVideo Cassette Recorder
VIPVery Important Person
VIRUSVital Information Resources Under Siege
VRMLVirtual Reality Modelling Language
VRSVoluntary Retirement Scheme
VSSCVikram Sarabhai Space Centre
WHOWorld Health Organisation
WMOWorld Meteorological Organisation
WTOWorld Trade Orga-nisation
WWFWorld Wildlife Fund
WWWWorld Wide Web
WYSIWYGWhat you see is what you get
XMLExtensible Mark-up Language
YMCAYoung Men's Christian Association
ZIPZone Improvement Plan

abbrivations 3

IPOInitial Public Offering
IPSIndian Police Service; Inter Press Service
IQIntelligence Quotient
IRCInternational Red Cross
IRDPIntegrated Rural Development Programme
IRSIndian Revenue Service
ISBNInternational Standard Book Number
ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network
ISIIndian Standards Institution; Inter Services Intelligence
ISKCONInternational Society for Krishna Consciousness
ISOInternational Standards Organisation
ISROIndian Space Research Organisation
ISTIndian Standard Time
ITBPIndo-Tibetan Border Police
ITESInformation Technology enabled services
ITIIndian Telephone Industries<br> Industrial Training Institute
ITUInternational Telecommunication Union
IVFIn-Vitro Fertilisation
IVMIn-vitro Maturation
JCOJunior Commissioned Officer
JEEJoint Entrance Examination
JPEGJoint Photographic Expert Group
LASERLight Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LCALight Combat Aircraft
LCDLiquid Crystal Display<br>Least Common Denominator
LCMLowest Common Multiple
LICLife Insurance Corporation (of India)
LLB Bachelor of Laws
LMCLarge Megallanic Cloud
LTTELiberation Tigers of Tamil Elam
M.A.Magisiter Artium (Master of Arts)
M.DDoctor of Medicine
MBAMaster of Business Administration
MBBSBachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
MCCMarylebone Cricket Club
MCIMedical Council of India
MICRMagnetic ink character recognition
MIDIMusical Instrument Digital Interface
MIPSMillion Instructions per Second
MITMassachusetts Institute of Technology; Master Instruction Tape
MLAMember of Legislative Assembly
MNCMulti-National Corporation
MODEMmodulator demodulator
MPMember of Parliament; Madhya Pradesh
MPEGMotion Picture Experts Group
MRCPMember of the Royal College of Physicians
MTCRMissile Technology Control Regime
MVCMaha Vir Chakra
NAACNational Assessment and Accreditation Council
NABARDNational Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NAFEDNational Agricultural Co-operative Marketing Federation
NALCONational Aluminium Company Ltd.
NASANational Aeronautics and Space Ad­ministration
NASDAQNational Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation
NASSCOMNational Association of Software and Service Companies
NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NAVNet Asset Value
NCERTNational Council of Educational Research and Training
NCSANational Centre for Supercomputing Applications; National Computer Security Association
NDANational Defence Academy
NOCNo Objection Certificate
NPANon-performing Assets
NPTNuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
NRFNational Renewal Fund
NSUINational Students Union of India
NTPCNational Thermal Power Corporation
OBCOther Backward Classes
OCROptical Character Recognition
ONGCOil and Natural Gas Corporation
OOPObject Oriented Programme
OPECOrganisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OSCAROrbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio
PANPermanent Account Number
Ph.D.Doctor of Philosophy (Philosophiae Doctor)
PILPublic Interest Litigation

abbrivation 2

E & OEErrors and Omissions Excepted
EDIElectronic Data Interchange
EISExecutive Information System
E-MAILElectronic Mailing
EMIEquated Monthly Instalments
ENIACElectronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
ENTEar, Nose and Throat
EOFend of file
EOTEastern Daylight Time
EPABXElectronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange
ERNETEducational and Research Network
FAQ Frequently Asked Question
FBIFederal Bureau of Investigation
FBTFringe Benefit Tax
FBTRFast Breeder Test Reactor
FCIFood Corporation of India; Fertilizer Corporation of India
FDIForeign Direct Investment
FEMAForeign Exchange Management Act
FICCIFederation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
FIFAInternational Football Federation (Fed­eration Internationale de Football Associa­tion)
FIRFirst Information Report
FMFrequency modulation
FRCPFellow of the Royal College of Physicians
FRCSFellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
FRCSFellow of the Royal Geographical Society
FRSFellow of the Royal Society
G7Group of Seven (US, UK, Germany, France, Italy, japan and Canada) G8 includes G7 plus Russia
GATEGraduate Aptitude Test in Engineer­ing
GATSGeneral Agreement on Trade and Ser­vices
GDPGross Domestic Product
GMATGraduate Management Admission Test
GMTGreenwich Mean Time
GSLVGeo-Synchronous Satellite Launch Ve­hicle
GSMGlobal System for Mobile Communica­tions
GSPGeneralised System Preference
GUIGraphical User Interface
HALHindustan Aeronautics Limited.
HIVHuman Immunodeficiency Virus
HMIHimalayan Mountaineering Institute
HTMLHyper Text Markup Language
HUDCOHousing and Urban Development Corp.
HVACHeating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning est (that is)
IAAIInternational Airport Authority of India
IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency
IARIIndian Agricultural Research Institute
IASIndian Administrative Service
IATAInternational Air Transport Association
IBMInternational Business Machines
ICSEIndian Certificate of Secondary Educa­tion
ICUIntensive Care Unit
ICWAIndian Council of World Affairs
IDAInternational Development Agency
IDBIIndustrial Development Bank of India
IEEEInstitute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers
IELTSInternational English Language Testing System
IFCIndustrial Finance Corporation, International Finance Corporation
IFSIndian Foreign Service; Indian Forest Service
IGNOUIndira Gandhi National Open Uni­versity
IIPAIndian Institute of Public Administration
IISCOIndian Iron and Steel Company
IISSInternational Institute of Strategic Stud­ies
IITIndian Institute of Technology
ILAIndian Library Association
ILOInternational Labour Organisation
IMAPInternet Mail Access Protocol
IMFInternational Monetary Fund
INAIndian National Army
INTUCIndian National Trade Union Con­gress
IOCIndian Oil Corporation
IPInternet Protocol
IPCIndian Penal Code
IPCLIndian Petro-Chemicals Corporation Ltd
IPIInternational Press Institute

Abbreviations & Acronyms 1

3GThird Generation
AAAAsian Athletics Association
AAFIThe Amateur Athletics Federation of India
ACAnte Christum (Before Christ), Ashok Chakra, Air Conditioner
ADBAsian Development Bank
AFIAthletics Federation of India
AFMCArmed Forces Medical College
AIArtifical Intelligence, Air India
AICTEAll India Council for Technical Education
AIFFAll India Football Federation
AIIMSAll India Institute of Medical Science
AITUCAll India Trade Union Congress
ALGOLAlgebric Oriented Language
AMAnte Meridiem (before Noon), Amplitude Modulation
APECAsia Pacific Economic Cooperation
ARPANETAdvanced Research Project Agency Network
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Informa­tion Interchange
ASEANAssociation of South East Asian Na­tions
ASLVAugmented Satellite Launch Vehicle
AT&TAmerican Telegraphic and Telephone Co. Ltd.
ATCAir Traffic Control
ATMAutomated Teller Machine
AVSMAti Vishisht Seva Medal
B2BBusines to Business
B2C Business to Consumer
BARCBhabha Atomic Research Centre
BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
BBSBulletin Board Service
BCBefore Christ
BHELBharat Heavy Electri-cals Ltd
BIOSBasic Input Output System
BITBinary Digit
BPLBelow Poverty Line
BPOBusiness Process Outsourcing
BPRBusiness Process Re-engineering
bpsbytes per second
BSEBombay Stock Exchange
BSFBorder Security Force
BSNLBharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
C2CConsumer to Consumer
CAChartered Accountant
CADCom­puter Aided Design
CATCommon Admis­sion Test
CBICentral Bureau of Investigation
CBSECentral Board of Secondary Education
CDACCentre for the Development of Ad­vanced Computing
CDMACode Division Multiple Access
CEOChief Executive Officer
CFSLCentral Forensic Science Laboratory
CGICommon Gateway Interface
CIACentral Intelligence Agency
CIDCriminal Investigation Department
CISCComplex instruction-set computing
CITUCentre of Indian Trade Unions
CNNCable News Network
COMSATCommunications Satellite Corporation
COPRA Consumer Protection Act
CORBACommon Object Request Broker Architecture
CPI(M)Communist Party of India / Marxist
CPWDCentral Public Works Department
CRISCentre for Railway Information System
CSIRCouncil of Scientific and Industrial Research
CTBTComprehensive Test Ban Treaty
CYMKCyan, Yellow, Magenta, Kinda
D.Litt.Doctor of Literature
D.Phil.Doctor of Philosophy
D.ScDoctor of Science
DC Direct Current
DIGDeputy Inspector General
DMADirect Memory Access
DMKDravida Munetra Kazhagam
DNADeoxyribo-nucleic Acid
DTPDesktop Publishing
DVCDamodar Valley Corporation
DVDDigital Versatile/Video Disc


1981 India launched APPLE, Khalistan activists hijack Indian Airlines Boeing 737 to Lahore.
1982 Zail Singh sworn in as President, the 21-member Indian scientific expedition headed by Dr. S. Z. Qasim lands on Antarctica (Jan. 9), INSAT1 A launched, Ninth Asian Games held in New Delhi.
1983 The 7th Non Aligned Summit in New Delhi, Kalpakkam Atomic Energy plant goes critical (July 2), INSAT-1 B launched (Aug. 30), Richard Attenborough's "Gandhi" wins 8 oscars.
1984 Rakesh Sharma becomes India's first spaceman (Apr. 5), Bachendri Pal become the first Indian woman to scale Mt. Everest (May 23), Operation Blue Star, Assassination of Indira Gandhi (Oct 31), Rajiv Gandhi becomes PM, Bhopal Gas tragedy (Dec. 3).
1985 Anti-defection Bill passed (Jan. 3), Azharuddin hits 3 centuries in 3 tests.
1986 The first wholly Indian test-tube baby bom at KEM Hospital, Bombay (Aug. 7).
1987 Sunil Gavaskar becomes the first batsman to score 10,000 runs in tests (Mar. 7), Goa becomes the 25th state of India (May 30).
1988 India's first remote sensing satellite IRS 1 -A launched from Russia (Mar. 17), INSAT 1-C launched from French Guyana (July 22).
1989 Successful test of Agni (May 22), laying of the foundation stone for the Ram Janmabhoomi temple of Ayodhya (Nov 10). V.P. Singh becomes the PM.
1990 Successful launching of INSAT 1-D (June 12), Mandal Commission recommendation implemented (Aug. 7), V.P. Singh tenders resignation (Nov. 7), S. Chandrashekhar becomes PM. (Nov. 10).
1991 Rajiv Gandhi killed in a bomb blast (May 21), P. V. Narsimha Rao became PM. (June 21), Earthquake in Uttarkashi region (Oct. 20), Satyajit Ray got special Oscar award. (Dec.16).
1992 Prithvi test fired (May 5), INSAT-2 A launched (July 10), Dr. Shanker Dayal Sharma became President (July 25), the domes of Babri Masjid demolished (Dec 6).
1993 Panchayati Raj Act effective (Apr. 24), INSAT-2 B launched from French Guyana (July 23), Earthquake in Latur region (Sept. 30).
1994 First heart transplant in the country (Aug. 3), PSLV D-2 launched (Oct. 15).
1995 Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singh assassinated (Agu. 31), INSAT-2 C launched (Dec. 7)
1996 A.B. Vajpayee became PM. (May 16), H.D. Deve Gowda became PM. (June 1), India-Bangladesh sign Ganga Water Pact (Dec. 12)
1997 I. K. Gujral became PM. (Apr. 21), K. R. Narayanan sworn in as President (July 25), Mother Teresa passes away (Sept. 5), Arundhati Roy wins Booker Prize (Oct. 14), I. K. Gujral resigns as PM. (Nov. 28)
1998 Konkan railway commissioned (Jan. 26), A. B. Vajpayee became PM. (Mar. 19), India conducted total 5 nuclear tests (May 11 and May 13), Severe cyclone in Gujarat (June 9), Amartya Sen won the Noble Prize in Economics (Oct. 14)
1999 P.M. Vajpayee arrived in Pakistan by Delhi-Lahore bus (Feb. 20), India successfully launched its first commercial telecom satellite INSAT-2 E from Kourou (Apr. 3), Intense fighting in Kargil (June-July), Devastating cyclone in Orissa and A. P. (Oct.)
2000 U. S. President Bill Clinton visited India (Mar.) INSAT-3 B launched from Kourou (Mar. 22), Successful test firing of 'Dhanush', the naval version of 'Prithvi' missile (Apr. 11), Karnam Malleshwari wins a bronze at Olympics, Chattisgarh formed (Nov. 1), Uttaranchal formed (Nov. 9), Jharkhand formed (Nov. 15)
2001 The pilotless target aircraft 'Lakshya' inducted into the Indian Air Force (Jan. 5), Severe earthquake in Gujarat (Ja. 26), the newly-constructed Ennore port dedicated to the nation (Feb. 1), India successfully launches GSLV D-1 from Sriharikota (Apr. 18), Indo-Pak summit at Agra (July 15-16), Lok Pal Bill introduced in Lok Sabha (Aug. 14), Attack on WTC, New York shakes the world (Sept. 11), Lok Sabha passes the bill on "Right to Education till 14" (Nov. 30), Terrorist attack on Indian Parliament (Dec. 13)
2002 INSAT-3 C launched on Ariane rocket from Kourou in French Guyana (Jan. 24), ISRO successfully tries the indegenious cryogenic engine (Feb. 5), POTO passed in the joint session of the Parliament (Mar. 26), LCA test flown successfully (June 6), Cabinet clears 26% FDI in print media (June 25), Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam elected the President of India (July 18), Bhairon Singh Shekhawat sworn in as Vice-President of India (Aug. 19), India launches METSAT by using PSLV-C4 (Sept. 12), Draft of the Tenth Five-Year Plan approved by the Planning Commission (Oct. 5), BSNL launches mobile phone service (Oct. 15), Vajpayee and Putin sign Delhi declaration (Dec. 4), Kelkar submitted modified report on tax reforms (Dec. 28)
2003 Kalpana Chawla killed in space shuttle Columbia burnup (Feb. 1); Large reserves of oil & gas discovered in Barmer district of Rajasthan (Feb. 4); US launched attack on Iraq (Mar. 20); INSAT-3A launched from Kourou (Apr. 10); Indigenous Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) renamed 'Tejas' (May 4); GSLVD-2 launched from Sriharikota (May 8); First instance of power failure in modern USA (Aug. 15-16); Mars comes closest to Earth (Aug. 27); Govt. approves the purchase of Advanced Jet Trainers, Hawk, from Britain (Sept. 3); INSAT-3E launched from Kourou (Sept. 20); Pope John Paul-ll beautifies Mother Teresa (Oct. 19); First Afro-Asian Games held in Hyderabad (Oct. 24-Nov. 1); India & Pakistan agree to a formal cease-fire along the LOG (Nov. 25); 97th, 98th, 99th & 100th Constitutional Amendment Bills passed (Dec. 18-23)
2004 Sensex crosses the magical figure of 6000 (Jan. 2); India signs agreement with Russia for obtaining Admiral Gorshkov (Jan. 20); Delhi High Court clears Rajiv Gandhi from the Bofors deal (Feb. 4); 200 killed in Madrid train blast (Mar. 11); Nobel Medals of Rabindra Nath Tagore gets stolen from Shantiniketan (Mar. 25); NDA conducts election before time, but loses unexpectedly, UPA government comes in power, Dr. Manmohan Singh sworn-in as the new PM (May 22); 87 children killed in a fire in school in Kumbhkonam, Tamil Nadu (July 17); Olympics return to their homeland Athens, Rajyavardhan Rathode wins a silver for India (Aug. 13-29); Hamid Karzai wins the Presidential vote in Afghanistan (Oct. 14); Sandalwood King Veerappan is dead (Oct. 18); George W. Bush re-elected (Nov. 3); Kanchi Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati arrested on murder charges (Nov. 11); Yasser Arafat is dead (Nov. 11); Parliament dismissses POTA (Dec. 9); Tsunami causes havoc in South and South East Asia killing more than a lakh (Dec. 26)


1853 First Indian railway from Bombay to Thane.
1857-58 First war of Indian Independence.
1858 British crown takes over the Indian Government; End of East India Company's rule.
1861 Birth of Rabindra Nath Tagore.
1869 Birth of M.K. Gandhi.
1885 Formation of Indian National Congress.
1905 Partition of Bengal by Lord Curzon.
1906 Formation of All India Muslim League.
1909 Minto-Morley Reforms.
1911 Delhi durbar held, partition of Bengal cancelled, capital shifted from Calcutta to Delhi.
1914 World War I started.
1918 End of World War I.
1919 Rowlatt Act, Jallianwala Bagh massacre, Montague- Chelmsford reforms.
1920 Non-cooperation Movement launched,
1921 Moplah rebellian in Malabar; visit of Prince of Wales.
1922 Chauri-Chaura incidence.
1923 Swaraj party formed.
1927 Simon Commission appointed.
1928 Visit of Simon Commission to India, death of Lala Lajpat Rai.
1929           Congress demanded'Poorna Swaraj'in Lahore session.
1930 January 26 celebrated as Independence Day throughout India, Dandi Salt Satyagraha, First Round Table conference.
1931 Gandhi-lrvin Pact, Second Round Table Conference.
1932 Suppression of Congress Movement, Third Round Table Conference, Communal Award, Poona Pact.
1935 Government of India Act.
1937 Inauguration of Provincial Autonomy. Congress ministries formed in 8 out of 11 provinces.
1939 Resignation of Congress ministries, beginning of World War II.
1942 Cripps Mission Plan, Quit India Movement, Formation of Indian National Army by S.C. Bose.
1945 Simla conference held and the failure of Wavell Plan, INA trials at Red Fort, Delhi.
1946 Cabinet Mission Plan, Formation of Interim Government, Direct Action Resolution by Muslim League.
1947 Mountbatten Plan of June 3 in which partition of India resolution is proposed, India divided, Pakistan created, both achieve independence, Jawarhar Lai Nehru becomes the I Prime Minister of India.
1948 Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi (Jan. 30).
1950 India became republic (Jan. 26).
1951 First Five Year Plan implemented.
1952 First General Elections held.
1953 Tenzing Norgay and Sir Edmund Hillary conquer Mt. Everest (May 29).
1954 Panchsheel agreement between India and China.
1956 Life insurance nationalized, State Reorganising Act comes into force.
1957 Second General Elections.
1958 Metric system of weights and measures introduced.
1959 Dalai Lama exiled; enters India.
1961 Liberation of Goa.
1962 Chinese attack on India. (Oct 20).
1964 Jawaharlal Nehru dies; Lai Bahadur Shastri becomes PM.
1965 Indo-Pak war.
1966 Tashkent Agreement reached, Death of Lai Bahadur Shastri, Indira Gandhi became PM.
1967 Dr. Zakir Hussain elected President.
1968 Hargovind Khurana shares the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology.
1969 Death of. President Zakir Hussain (May 3). V. V. Giri elected President, Nationalization of 14 leading banks, Split in Indian National Congress.
1970 Former Indian ruler's privy purses abolished. Dr. C. V. Raman died (Nov. 2).
1971 Indo-Pak War over Bangladesh.
1972 Shimla Agreement signed.
1973 Manekshaw named India's first Field Marshal
1974 Nuclear explosion at Pokhran (May 18).
1975 Indian satellite 'Aryabhatta' launched, National emergency declared.
1976 The four Indian News agencies merged into a single News Agency known as 'Samachar', life of Lok Sabha extended by an year.
1977 Defeat of Mrs. Indira Gandhi in the election, Morarji Desai takes over as PM, emergency withdrawn.
1978 India launches world's biggest adult literacy plan (Oct. 2).
1979 Charan Singh became PM., Mother Teresa won the Nobel Peace Prize.
1980 Indira Gandhi returns to power at centre, India launches first satellite using its own satellite launching vehicle (July. 18).


2500-1800  Indus valley civilization.
599 Birth of Mahavir; Nirvana in 523. B.C.
563 Birth of Gautam Buddha; Nirvana in 483 B.C.
327-26 Alexander's invasion of India and the opening of land route between India and Europe.
269-232 Ashoka's reign.
261 Battle of Kalinga.
57 Beginning of Vikrama era.
30 Satvahana dynasty in Deooan. Pandyan empire in for south.
326 Alexander defeated Poras in the Battle of Hydaspas
261 Ashoka defeated Kalinga in the Kalinga War

78 Beginning of Saka era.
320 Beginning of Gupta era.
360 Samudragupta conquers the whole of N. India and much of the Deccan.
380-413 Rule of Chandragupta Vikramaditya, age of Kalidasa, renewal of induism.
606-647 Rule of Harshavardhana.
629-645 Hieun Tsang's visit in India.
622 Beginning of Hijra era.
712 Arab invasion of Sind by Mohd. bin Qasim.
1001-27 Repeated attacks of Mehmud Ghazni.
1025 Sacking of Somnath temple by Mehmud.
1191 First battle of Tarain in which Prithviraj Chauhan defeated Mohd. Ghori.
1192 Second battle of Tarain in which Mohd. Ghori defeated Prithviraj Chauhan.
1206 Qutubuddin Aibak founded the Ilbari/Slave dynasty.
1290 Jalaluddin Firuz Khilji established Khilji dynasty.
1290 Marco Polo visited India.
1320 Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq founded the Tughlaq dynasty.
1333 Ibn Batuta arrived in India.
1336 Harihara and Bukka founded the Vijaynagar empire.
1347 Bahmani kingdom founded.
1398 Timur invades India.
1451 Lodi dynasty comes in power in Delhi Sultanate.
1469 Birth of Guru Nanak Dev.
1498 Vasco da Gama lands at Calicut.
1510 Portuguese capture Goa-Albuquerque Governor.
1526 First Battle of Panipat in which Babar defeated Ibrahim Lodhi and established the Mughal dynasty.
1556 Second battle of Panipat in which Akbar defeated Hemu.
1565 Battle of Talikota in which Vijaynagar empire is defeated.
1571 Foundation of Fatehpur Sikri by Akbar.
1576 Battle of Haldighati in which Akbar defeated Maharana Pratap.
1582 Akbar started Din-i-llahi.
1600 English East India Company established.
1604 Compilation of Adi Granth.
1605 Death of Akbar.
1611 The English built a factory at Masulipatnam.
1627 Birth of Shivaji
1631 Death of Shah Jahan's wife Mumtaz Mahal. The building of Taj Mahal.
1658 Aurangzeb became Emperor of Delhi.
1666 Birth of Guru Gobind Singh.
1699 Guru Gobind Singh creates 'Khalsa'.
1707 Death of Aurangzeb, fall of Mughal empire begins.
1739 Nadir Shah invaded India; the peacock throne and the Kohinoor Diamond taken away from India.
1757 Battle of Plassey in which the English defeated Siraj-ud- daula, Nawab of Bengal.
1760 Battle of Wandiwash, end of French power in India,
1761 Third Battle of Panipat in which Ahmed Shah Abdali defeated the Marathas.
1764 Battle of Buxar in which the English defeated the triple alliance of Nawab Mir Qasim of Bengal, Nawab Shuja-ud-daula of Awadh and Mughal emperor Shah Alam.
1793 Permanent settlement in Bengal.
1799 Fourth Anglo Mysore War, death of Tipu Sultan, Ranjit Singh occupied Lahore and made it his capital.
1817-19 Marathas finally crushed.
1828 Lord William Bentick becomes Governor General; Era of social reforms; Prohibition of Sati (1829), Suppression of thugs (1830).
1835 Introduction of English as medium of instruction.