Thursday, 23 May 2013


  1. 3M    Innovation
  2. 7-Up    The uncola
  3. Acura    The road will never be the same
  4. Adobe    Better by Adobe
  5. Aflac    Ask about it at work
  6. AIG    We know money
  7. Ajax    Stronger than dirt
  8. Alka-Seltzer    I can’t believe I ate the whole thing
  9. Alka-Seltzer    Mama mia, thatsa spicy meatball
  10. Allegra    The relief goes on
  11. Allstate    Are you in good hands?
  12. Allstate Insurance    You’re in good hands with Allstate
  13. Alpo Dog Food    Doesn’t your dog deserve Alpo?
  14. Ambien    Works like a dream
  15. American Airlines    Something special in the air
  16. American Dairy Association    Behold the power of cheese
  17. American Express    Don’t leave home without it
  18. American Express    Do more
  19. American Express    My life. My card
  20. American Express    Don’t leave home without it
  21. Anacin    For fast, fast, fast relief
  22. APC    Legendary reliability
  23. Apple     Think different
  24. Apple     The power to be your best
  25. Apple     Think outside the box
  26. AT&T    Reach out and touch someone
  27. AT&T    The world’s networking company
  28. Audi    Never follow
  29. Avis    We try harder
  30. Bank of America    Higher standards
  31. Bank of America    Bank of Opportunity
  32. Barack Obama    Change we need
  33. Bartles & Jaymes    Thank you for your support
  34. Bayer Aspirin    Bayer works wonders
  35. Bic    Flick my Bic
  36. Bissell    We mean clean
  37. Bissell    Life’s messy Clean it up!
  38. BMW    Sheer driving pleasure
  39. BMW    The ultimate driving machine
  40. BOSE    Better sound through research
  41. Bounty    The quicker picker-upper
  42. Braniff Airlines    When you’ve got it, flaunt it
  43. Brim Decaffeinated Coffee    Fill it to the rim with Brim
  44. Bristol-Myers Squibb Co    Hope, triumph, and the miracle of medicine
  45. British Airways    The way to fly
  46. British Airways    The world’s favorite airline
  47. British Rail    We’re getting there
  48. Budweiser    Wassup?!
  49. Budweiser    The king of beers
  50. Burger King    It just tastes better
  51. Burger King    Have it your way
  52. Cadillac    Break through
  53. Calgon Toiletries    Calgon, take me away
  54. California Almond Growers    A can a week, that’s all we ask
  55. California Milk Processor Board    Got milk?
  56. Calvin Klein    Between love and madness lies obsession
  57. Calvin Klein Jeans    Nothing comes between me and my Calvins
  58. Camel    I’d walk a mile for a camel
  59. CameraWorld    For negative people
  60. Capital One    What’s in your wallet?
  61. Cascade    For virtually spotless dishes
  62. Charmin    Please don’t squeeze the Charmin
  63. Cheese Council    Anyway you please it, cheese it
  64. Cheez-It    Get your own box
  65. Chesterfield Cigarettes    A silly millimeter longer
  66. ChevronTexaco    Turning partnership into energy
  67. Chevy Trucks    Like a rock
  68. Chevy’s    Fresh Mex
  69. Chiffon Margarine    It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature
  70. Chrysler    Inspiration comes standard
  71. Cialis    Will you be ready?
  72. Cisco Systems    Empowering the Internet generation
  73. Citi    Live richly
  74. Citi    City never sleeps
  75. Citgo    There at every turn
  76. Clairol    If I’ve only one life, let me live it as a blonde
  77. Clairol    Does she or doesn’t she?
  78. ClubMed    The antidote for civilization
  79. CNET    The source for computing and technology
  80. CNN    The most trusted name in news
  81. Coca-Cola    Coca-Cola refreshes you best
  82. Coca-Cola    The pause that refreshes
  83. Coca-Cola    Have a coke and smile
  84. Coors    The silver bullet
  85. Cotton Incorporated    Cotton The fabric of our lives
  86. Coty Perfume    If you want to capture someone’s attention, whisper
  87. Covergirl makeup    Easy, breezy, beautiful Covergirl
  88. Crest    Healthy, beautiful smiles for life
  89. Crest    Look, Ma, no cavities!
  90. Crisco Vegetable Shortening    Cooks who know trust Crisco
  91. Dannon Yogurt    Love it for life
  92. DeBeers    A diamond is forever
  93. Dell Computer    Easy as Dell
  94. Delta Airlines    You’ll love the way we fly
  95. Delta Airlines    We love to fly and it shows
  96. Denny’s    We’re cooking now
  97. DePuy Orthopedics    Restoring the joy of motion
  98. DHL    We move the world
  99. DHL    Yellow. The new Brown
  100. DHL    Competition. Bad for them. Great for you
  101. Dial Soap    Aren’t you glad you use Dial? Don’t you wish everybody did?
  102. Disneyland    The happiest place on earth
  103. Dunkin Donuts    Time to make the doughnuts
  104. DuPont    The miracles of science
  105. DuPont    Better living through chemistry
  106. Dupont    Better things for better living, through chemistry
  107. eBay    The power of all of us
  108. eBay    The world’s online marketplace
  109. EF Hutton    When EF Hutton talks, people listen
  110. El Pollo Loco    When you’re crazy for chicken
  111. Electrolux    Nothing sucks like an Electrolux
  112. Energizer Batteries    It keeps going, and going, and going
  113. Epiphany    See your way forward
  114. Ernst & Young    Quality in everything we do
  115. Esso (Exxon)    Put a tiger in your tank
  116. Expediacom    Don’t just travel Travel right
  117. Fancy Feast    Good taste is easy to recognize
  118. FannieMae    Our business is the American dream
  119. FedEx    Relax, it’s FedEx
  120. FedEx    The world on time
  121. FedEx    When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight
  122. Fedex    Absolutely, positively overnight
  123. Fisher-Price    Play. Laugh. Grow
  124. Florida Orange Juice Growers Association    It’s not just for breakfast anymore
  125. Ford    Bold Moves
  126. Ford    Built for the road ahead
  127. Ford    Drive one
  128. Ford    Ford has a better idea
  129. Ford    Quality is job one
  130. Foster’s    Foster’s Australian for beer
  131. Fosters     Fosters—Australian for beer
  132. Fox News    Fair and balanced
  133. Friends of the Animals    Extinct is forever
  134. FTD    Say it with flowers
  135. General Electric    We bring good things to life
  136. General Electric    Imagination at work
  137. General Foods    Celebrate the moments of your life
  138. Georgia Federal    Two words to the wise
  139. Gerber    Babies are our business
  140. Gerber    Shouldn’t your baby be a Gerber baby?
  141. Geritol    My wife, I think I’ll keep her
  142. Gillette    Look sharp, feel sharp
  143. Gillette    The best a man can get
  144. Gillette Dry idea    Never let ‘em see you sweat
  145. GLAD    Don’t get mad, Get GLAD
  146. Glaxo/Wellcome    Disease has no greater enemy
  147. Goodyear    The best tires in the world have Goodyear written all over them
  148. Grey Poupon    Pardon me, do you have any Grey Poupon?
  149. Greyhound    Leave the driving to us
  150. Guidant    It’s a great time to be alive
  151. Haig Scotch Whiskey    Don’t be vague, ask for Haig
  152. Hallmark    When you care enough to send the very best
  153. Harley Davidson    American by birth. Rebel by choice
  154. Hawaiian Punch    Hey! How about a nice Hawaiian Punch?
  155. Hebrew National    We answer to a higher authority
  156. Hertz    Hertz puts you in the driver’s seat
  157. Hewlett Packard    Invent
  158. HJ Heinz     57 varieties
  159. Holiday Inn    Pleasing people the world over
  160. Honda    The power of dreams
  161. Hooters    Delightfully tacky, yet unrefined
  162. Hostess Cakes    Where’s the cream filling?
  163. Huggies    We’re behind you every step of the way
  164. IBM    Solutions for a small planet
  165. Intel    Intel Inside
  166. Irish Spring Soap    Manly yes, but I like it, too
  167. Ivory Soap    Pure clean, pure Ivory
  168. Ivory Soap    99.44% pure
  169. Jack in the Box    Jack’s back!
  170. Jaguar    Don’t dream it. Drive it
  171. Jaguar    The art of performance
  172. Jell-O    America’s most famous dessert
  173. John Deere    Nothing runs like a Deere
  174. JPMorgan Chase Bank    The right relationship is everything
  175. Juicy Juice   100 % juice for 100% kids
  176. Kaiser Permanente    Thrive
  177. Karry-Lite    Takes the ‘lug’ out of luggage
  178. Kay Jewelers    Every kiss begins with Kay
  179. Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes    They’re g-r-r-r-eat!
  180. Kellogg’s Smart Start    Start aging smart
  181. Kellogg’s Rice Krispies    Snap, Crackle, Pop
  182. Kentucky Fried Chicken    Finger-lickin’ good!
  183. KFC    Nobody does chicken like KFC
  184. Kix Cereal    Kid tested Mother approved
  185. Kodak    Share moments Share life
  186. KPMG    It’s time for clarity
  187. L’Oréal    Because I’m worth it
  188. Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority    What happens here, stays here
  189. Lay’s Potato Chips    Betcha can’t eat just one
  190. LendingTree    When banks compete, you win
  191. Lexus    The relentless pursuit of perfection
  192. Life Cereal    Hey, Mikey he likes it!
  193. LifeCall    I’ve fallen and I can’t get up
  194. Listerine    Always a bridesmaid, but never a bride
  195. Lucent Technologies    Creating value through true convergence
  196. Lucky Charms    Magically delicious
  197. Lucky Strike    Lucky Strike means fine tobacco
  198. M&Ms    Melts in your mouth, not in your hands
  199. Marlboro    Come to Marlboro Country
  200. MasterCard    There are some things that money can’t buy. For everything else there’s MasterCard.
  201. Maxwell House    Good to the last drop
  202. Maypo    I want my Maypo
  203. Maytag Appliances    Our repairmen are the loneliest guys in town
  204. Mazda    Passion for the road
  205. McDonald’s    Did somebody say McDonald’s?
  206. McDonald’s    I’m lovin’ it
  207. McDonald’s    We love to see you smile
  208. Memorex    Is it live or is it Memorex?
  209. Meow Mix    Tastes so good cats ask for it by name
  210. Merrill-Lynch    Merrill-Lynch is bullish on America
  211. Metropolitan Home    Mode for your abode
  212. MGM    MGM means great movies
  213. Michelin    Because so much is riding on your tires
  214. Michelob Ultra    Lose the carbs. Not the taste
  215. Microsoft    Your potential Our passion
  216. Microsoft    Where do you want to go today?
  217. Milk Board    It does a body good
  218. Miller Beer    It’s Miller time!
  219. Miller High Life    The champagne of bottled beer
  220. Miller Lite    Everything you always wanted in a beer And less
  221. Miller Lite    Tastes great, less filling
  222. Mitsubishi Motors    Wake up and drive
  223. MorganStanley    One client at a time
  224. Morton Salt    When it rains, it pours
  225. Motrin    Medicine with muscle
  226. Mountain Dew    Do the Dew
  227. National Cattlemen’s Beef    Beef It’s what’s for dinner
  228. National Crime Prevention    Take a bite out of crime
  229. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration    You could learn a lot from a dummy Buckle up!
  230. National Pork Board    Pork. The other white meat
  231. NBC    Must see TV
  232. Nestles Butterfinger    Break out of the ordinary
  233. New York State Division of Tourism    I love New York
  234. Nike    Just do it
  235. Nikon    At the heart of the image
  236. Nine Lives Cat Food    Only fit for a king Nine Lives
  237. Nintendo Wii    Wii would like to play
  238. Nissan    Enjoy the ride
  239. Nissan    Shift
  240. Nokia    Connecting people
  241. Noxzema    Take it all off
  242. NyQuil    The nighttime sniffling sneezing coughing aching stuffy head fever so you can rest medicine
  243. Office Depot    Taking care of business
  244. Old Spice    The mark of a man
  245. Oldsmobile    It’s not your father’s Oldsmobile anymore
  246. OneTouch    Changes everything
  247. Oracle    Software powers the Internet
  248. Ore-Ida    Ore-Ida! It’s all-righta!
  249. Outback Steakhouse    No rules Just right
  250. Pace Picante Sauce    Grab the Southwest by the bottle
  251. Pacific Southwest Airlines    Catch our smile
  252. Packard    Ask the man who owns one
  253. Panasonic    Slightly ahead of its time
  254. Parkay Margarine    The flavor says butter
  255. Partnership for a Drug-Free America    This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs
  256. Paul Masson    We will sell no wine before its time
  257. Pepperidge Farm    Pepperidge Farm remembers
  258. Pepsi    Come alive! You’re in the Pepsi generation
  259. Pepsi    The taste of a new generation
  260. Pepsi    For those who think young
  261. Pepsi    Pepsi-Cola hits the spot
  262. Pepsi    The choice of a new generation
  263. Perdue Chicken    It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken
  264. Petco    Where the pets go
  265. Peugeot    The best kept automotive secret in America
  266. Philip Morris    Talk They’ll listen
  267. Planter’s Peanuts    Famously fresh
  268. Playtex Cross-Your-Heart Bra    Lifts and separates
  269. Polaroid    The fun develops instantly
  270. Prudential    Get a piece of the rock
  271. Quaker Oatmeal    Something to smile about
  272. Quiznos    M’m, m’m, m’m, m’m, m’mtoasty!
  273. Qwest    Spirit of service
  274. Qwest    Ride the light
  275. Radio Shack    You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers
  276. RAID    RAID kills bugs dead
  277. Redbull    It gives you wings
  278. Remington    I liked it so much I bought the company
  279. Ricoh    How well do you share?
  280. Rolaids    How do you spell relief? R-O-L-A-I-D-S
  281. Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines    Get out there
  282. Safeway    Ingredients for life
  283. Salesforcecom    Experience success
  284. Sanka    Sanka—everything you love about coffee
  285. Saturn     A different kind of car company
  286. Schlitz    The beer that made Milwaukee famous
  287. Schlotzky’s Deli    Funny name. Serious sandwich
  288. Schweppes    Schhh! You know who?
  289. Seagate    We turn on ideas
  290. Secret Deodorant    Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman
  291. Shake and Bake    It’s Shake and Bake, and I helped
  292. Sherwin Williams    Cover the earth
  293. Skoal    Always there in a pinch
  294. Smith Barney    We make the money the old-fashioned way—we earn it
  295. Smucker’s    With a name like Smucker’s, it has to be good
  296. Snapple    Made from the best stuff on Earth
  297. Southwest Airlines    You are now free to move about the country
  298. SPRINT PCS    Now, that’s better
  299. Sprite    Obey your thirst
  300. Staples    That was easy
  301. Starkist Tuna    Sorry, Charlie Starkist wants tuna that tastes good, not tuna with good taste
  302. Subway    Eat fresh
  303. Subway    Five dollar foot long
  304. Sun Microsystems    The network is the computer
  305. Sunkist    Better snacking
  306. SuperSoil    If it’s not SuperSoil, it’s just plain old dirt
  307. Sweet ‘N Low    There’s no equal
  308. T Rowe Price    Invest with confidence
  309. Taco Bell    Think outside the bun
  310. Taco Bell    Head for the border
  311. Taco Bell    You quiero Taco Bell
  312. Tareyton Cigarettes    I’d rather fight than switch
  313. Target    Expect more. Pay less
  314. TAZO    TAZO. The reincarnation of tea
  315. Tempur-Pedic   Welcome to bed
  316. The Economist    Free enterprise with every issue
  317. The New York Times    All the news that’s fit to print
  318. The Sharper Image    For the person who has everything, we have everything else
  319. The Virginia Tourism Commission    Virginia is for lovers
  320. Tide    If it’s gotta be clean, it’s gotta be Tide
  321. Timex    Takes a licking and keeps on ticking
  322. Toshiba    Choose freedom
  323. Toyota    Get the feeling
  324. Trix Cereal    Silly rabbit, trix are for kids
  325. Tyco    A vital part of your world
  326. Tylenol    It’s hospital recommended
  327. Unisys    Imagine it Done
  328. United Airlines    Time to fly
  329. United Airlines    Fly the friendly skies
  330. United Negro College Fund    The mind is a terrible thing to waste
  331. Unocal    The spirit of 76’
  332. UPS    What can Brown do for you?
  333. US Army    Some of our best men are women
  334. US Army    There’s strong. And then, there’s Army strong.
  335. US Dept of Transportation    Friends don’t let friends drive drunk
  336. US Forest Service    Only you can prevent forest fires
  337. US Forest Service    Give a hoot, don’t pollute
  338. US Marines    The few, the proud, the Marines
  339. US Marines    We’re looking for a few good men
  340. US Navy    It’s not a job. It’s an adventure
  341. US Peace Corps    The toughest job you’ll ever love
  342. US Postal Service    We deliver for you
  343. V-8    I coulda had a V-8!
  344. Verizon Wireless    We never stop working for you
  345. Verizon Wireless    Can you hear me now? …Good
  346. Victor Talking Machine Co    His master’s voice
  347. Virginia Slims Cigarettes    You’ve come a long way, baby
  348. VISA    It’s everywhere you want to be
  349. Visine    Visine gets the red out
  350. Volkswagen    Think small
  351. Volkswagen    Drivers wanted
  352. Volvo    For life
  353. Walmart    Save money. Live better
  354. Wal-Mart    Always low prices
  355. Wells Fargo    The next stage
  356. Wendy’s    Where’s the beef?
  357. Western Airlines    Western Airlines the only way to fly
  358. Wheaties    The breakfast of champions
  359. Wisk Laundry Detergent    Ring around the collar
  360. World Wildlife Fund    For a living planet
  361. Xerox    We’re moving beyond documents
  362. Yahoo! Personals    Believe
  363. Yellow Pages    Let your fingers do the walking
  364. ZDNet    Where technology means business
  365. Zenith    The quality goes in before the name goes on

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